Pat the Wiz...
...preserving the magic
Pat the Wiz:
Welcome to our space, this is meant to be a place where those who played the Watt when I worked there can access past history if it's in my power to provide it. Please send me an email and if I can bring back a part of your past I'll be more than happy to do so. There is never a charge for this, it's my pleasure to do so if I can. From Jean and me, our best to you and yours. Patton
Robert Hinely III
Mr. Patton Biddle's log book, old flyers, and his website in general is a wonderful resource for folks like me that are constantly checking on gigs, bands, and dates. I check for the FB group Athens, GA Band Flyers. This website, and the man himself, is incredibly valuable to me and to Athens history. Thank you so much!
Dori Cosgrove
Thanks so much for the CD! Hearing the clear soundboard mix was a new experience for me; being on stage I would hear things mainly from my monitor and it’s not as true as what you were doing for the audience. Same for rehearsal space, it never sounded that good!!! Thank you for documenting our history in Athens and keeping it alive for us. I’m so grateful.
Dave Thake & Lizi Greenwood:
An exceptional website for an exceptional man. Spending time with you both is nothing short of being in the company of true Athens royalty. Thank you both for your kindness, your love & your selfless generosity. Dave & Lizi Xx
Neil Smith:
Wanted to drop a quick note to say thanks so much for sharing your recordings with me! I missed the Athens scene on account of being in the UK and about 20 years too young! But I'm so grateful for your time in sharing these with me and answering my nerdy questions. And Jean, thank you! I understand you set the train in motion with this website and perhaps you knew that people on the other side of the world would have an interest. Thanks both, and keep doing what you're doing. Cheers, Neil :)
Reese McLean
Hey Pat, thanks again for everything you do, but especially for uploading that Limbo District show! You’re doing a good thing keeping this archive up, it’s lots of history that should stay accessible.
Jose Maria Millan (Filmmaker):
Hello Pat!
We have not yet had the opportunity to meet in person, although we have already shared many virtual moments. By your photos, I´ve seen you are a very big man, and big men need a big heart. In your case it is not only a physical issue, your heart is big because it is full of passion, devotion, dedication, and love for the music. Anyone able to keep all that music for years and then produce, edit and improve the sound to share it with the world, is, without a doubt, a Big Man with a Big heart., and that can only be “The WIZ”.
Thanks a million for your generosity my friend, you´ve got all my respect.
Big hug for you and your lovely Jean!!!
Steven Poe:
Pat...Really enjoyed your many contributions to the new birth/early days of REM book, Begin the Begin. I am really enjoying the website, lots of super cool stuff. And undying gratitude for the music you sent me...your board work is unsurpassed. So many memories of a golden age .
Talk about the passion
Lee Collins:
Thank you, Pat, for opening up this amazing resource for Athens music lovers. Where else could I hear Art In The Dark play "God Save The Queen" (including a casual mention afterward crediting the song to Is Ought Gap!)? Or hear The Kilkenny Cats play "Bad Moon Rising"! How generous of you! As a young man, there were many days spent listening to those bands and several others from Athens. Thank you again.
Reverend Conner Tribble:
I am SO excited we just wrapped up all the recording for my new cd "Reverend Tribble's Sweet Dreams" thanks to my dear friend engineer/producer extraordinaire T. Patton Biddle 'Pat the Wiz', to his lovely wife Jean Biddle, Fannie, Bowie, and Abraham for their love, hospitality and well wa'ta during this marvelous project I love you all. Pat even made sure I had enough air in my tires for the ride home CD release party on the Rooftop of the Georgia Theatre Friday, May 11, 7-8:30 the show is free of course just like the CDs.
Dodd Ferrelle
Hey Pat and Jean,
THANK YOU BOTH for all of your help with the Strung Out Like the Lights at Christmastime Empty Stocking Benefits. Pat- You are the balance! Jean- You are the joy! Love to Both of You!
Malcolm Robertson
Hey Patton, thought I'd drop in and show the love for this fascinating and immersive website, where a person like me - who is largely ignorant of the Athens music scene and its history - can experience some live music from the comfort and safety of his smoking chair. Keep up the good work!
Dustin Peterson:
Thanks for your hard work and the attention to detail you put into live sound production! You are the consummate professional and it is always a pleasure working with you. Your website is fantastic as well! Thanks for preserving the rich musical history of Athens. Your talents are greatly appreciated!
Barbara May:
WOW..what a beautiful website, Jean is amazing. This is really wonderful Patton…congratulations!!
Heather O'Keefe:
This is just so wonderful, Pat!
Paul Provost:
Wow. Fantastic. It takes a special kind of person to not only have the skills and be in the rgiht place at the right time, but more importantly, to care so much about the world around him to spend their life on safari persuing the great elusive butterfly of love (aka live music). Capturing it, preserving it, restoring it, and getting it to the masses. "IT"S ALIIIIIVE!" thanks and 'wow' again.
Lee Read:
This is so cool, Pat! Brings back tons of memories!
Robert Schmid:
Hey Pat, It was great working with you again at the Margaret Adams celebration at Little Kings! You've worked with me with several bands...The Swimming Pool Q's, Pillars of Talent, The Method Actors, GoVanGo, Reversing Hour...hell, if there are more, I've forgotten! Thanks!
Jeff D. Buckley:
Hey Pat. Thanks so much for the great music. It is truly amazing to hear such high quality live recordings of bands I love. Every town should be so lucky as to have archives like the ones you've created. But Athens, GA is not just any town. I'm glad you had the foresight and the skills to make these recordings of this epic era of music. Also, thanks to your wife for making this website happen. I hope to see you around soon as I'd love to hear more about your time working with these guys. archives like the ones you've created. But Athens, GA is not just any town. I'm glad you had the foresight and the skills to make these recordings of this epic era of music. Also, thanks to Jean for making this website happen. I hope to see you around soon.
Vivian Connell (Vi):
Well, Pat, thanks for transporting me back to that time, full of music that represented the magic and power of creativity and youth. It was such an empowering community of hope and energy, and I think it shaped all of us who participated in ways we can't clearly recognize or articulate. I thought often of how this music and scene shaped me as both a teacher and then as a lawyer/activist. As I face my battle with ALS, this music, especially from the shows I attended, is incredibly cheering and happy-making. Thanks for the chance to relive that great music and access that singular energy . . . and share it with my kids. I may no longer be able to physically dance, but my heart and spirit are certainly whirling and jumping and sweating! Thanks 1,000,000.
Nic Holt:
Pat I have so many memories of you. Thanks for setting this up and please get in touch. Cheers, Nic
Pat. I'm a Happy Boy Now. The discs arrived, and I put aside SP, and SPQ, and went straight for Rumjungle. It was the favorite band of the late Rick Martin (singer Insanity), and it brought chills to go back 30 years when the world was young. "SaintPatTheWiz" is a better moniker. And although I'm still an out-of-work musician, I sent Grace Way a pittance, in lieu of you wanting anything in return. ----- Have you thought of putting up a reunion page, where we can post our contact info and find old friends? I'll start - neillien@hotmail.com ;) ----- Much appreciation. Neill (Insanity 1980-89 ~ Swimming Pool Q's 1991-01 ~ and occasionally, Silent Partner).
Claire Horne:
Thanks Pat for sending me my own personal time machine: CDs of Time Toy, La Di Das, Pylon, and more. If I wasn't in the audience for those shows, with the push of a button, now I can be! So excited to listen to them all and be 20 again in Athens.
Steve Fitzpatrick:
Aww man, Pat! You are a class act! Thank you from the bottom of my warped heart for the lovely and awesome CDs! John Cale at the Watt (I was there... what a show!), the Buttholes (ditto), Bar-B-Q Killers... great sounds and great (if not blurred) memories! Best to you man!
Helen Oller:
Thanks so much for the great music. Brought me back to my days in Athens. Especially the Stitchcraft and Tyrone shows.
Larry Tenner:
Thank you so much, Pat. It's an honor to be included in your archive.
What a great site. Interesting info on all the great acts that have played at the 40 Watt club. Keep it up:-)
Karen Cornwell:
What an amazing collection of memories - through music, photos, and reminiscences! I wasn't fortunate enough to be there, so this taste of what it was like is especially sweet to me. Patton - keep telling the stories, they are priceless. Mrs. the Wiz - you're a genius for giving Pat a place to share his passion for the music with the rest of us!
Tim Abbott:
A wonderful site, capturing the musical spirit of Athens. I don't think I've taken it all in yet, must go and have another peek...
Liam O'Hara:
I remember closing out the kitchen at Sparky's and if I got tipped out seven bucks, that was enough to walk a couple blocks to the 40 Watt, get a couple of beers and pay the $3 cover charge to some of the best times of my life. It all comes back listening to these tracks. Thank you Pat!
Trina David:
I remember when Terrakotta Swayed had our VERY FIRST gig at The 40 Watt and how annoying we were asking WAY too many questions and bugging the t0toyal PISS out of Pat The Whiz and him saying "JUST CHILL OUT ... I will make you guyz sound your very best" and he did ... Drinking his imports and smoking his camels and puttin gup with us and all of the other bands madness and producing some AWESOME SOUND :) Thanks Pat ... YOU ROCK!!!
Athens Family Vision:
This great!! Thanks you guys for the contribution.
Kathy Kirbo:
Thanks for preserving all the great music and wonderful memories Pat!
Darryl White:
Pat, it was a pleasure meeting you and Jean, I am honored to call both of you my friend. I look forward to returning to Athens soon. And winning band of the week again :)
Arthur Johnson:
Pat, thanks for making all of these great shows available to us! It has been so refreshing to listen to the Rumjungle shows and be reminded of why I liked them so much. Hopefully there will be more to come(?).
Gene Cook:
This is awesome! So glad you did this guys.
Kevin O'Neil:
This is amazing-thanks so much Pat.
Billy Holmes:
Stellar work Mr Wizard. Thank you so much.
Steve Fitzpatrick:
This is an amazing and voluminous work! The memories and images... The very essence comes flooding back in. Great job!
Robert Dean Lurie:
Outstanding site, treasures everywhere you turn. Also, the "Pat the Wiz" compilation CDs are incredible. His mixes for many of these bands are better than what they got on their official albums.
Scott Turner:
I feel lucky to have stumbled upon this site. Athens was definitely a hotbed of musical talent! It's fantastic that you were able to preserve all of those performances. And of course, it's even better that you have found a way to share them with the world. I'm learning about several bands that I'd never heard of and you are very generous with your archive. Thanks!
Joel Suttles:
Pat: I continue to be amazed with the breadth of music on your site. It's an invaluable archive and you are incredibly generous in making it available. Thanks!
Becky Turbeville:
this site is great thank you
Diane Loring Aiken:
This is fantastic Pat! Thank you for creating a time capsule of the (in)famous hay day of Athens' music. It was a magical, innocent & glorious time of creativity, wonderment & ridiculous fun. Even the hardest core music fan can understand how truly special it was, you had to be there. Even so, I don't know if any of us really even knew we were living music history. How lucky we were to have been there.
Larry Miller:
Thanks for this remarkable collection of music, recorded by the Jimmy Iovine of the South---Amazing!
Gary Evans:
Pat, Thanks for the historical soundtrack of our lives. The guys loved listening to the old shows and for a minute we were all back to our misbegotten youths. OK, full disclosure: It was a poker game. We haven't grown up thaaat much. Gary Evans
David Barbe:
Pat, Thanks, man. db
Lynn Berndt:
Thanks again for all the 40 watt cd's, gonna need to study them more if I'm going to win any Band of the Week's in the future.....love the new website, especially the show us your t-shirts, it's kinda fun to see all of the winners.....
Tim Becker:
Wow! I only recently found this site when I was searching for information on the Drastics (later named Rum Jungle), a band which I enjoyed listening to while living in Athens '81-82. I listened to the catalog in its entirety. There is some great music here, some of which would likely have been lost if not for this website. Pat, thanks for putting together this website and keeping it going. It is a treasure!
Brian R. Johnson:
Pat, you have an important role, in the history of rock and roll, and artist culture!
David Finkel:
Hey Pat, I just wanted to thank you for setting up this site to allow us to relive the wonderful memories of having gone to UGA during those magical days....My enjoyment of the music scene in Athens is one of the highlights of my middle aged life.... One thing I can recollect about these days was that it was very unpretentious, no one was really out to be a star; it was all about the music. Thanks again for the treasure trove of memories! David Finkel
Jim Tremayn:
Pat, This is kinda amazing. Big thanks.
Andy Freeman:
Thanks for the tunes
Dianne Bentley:
Thanks for providing us with the website and a place one can listen to music.
Micah Gilbert:
This is a wonderful musical archive, and a trip down the proverbial memory lane.
Kathy Vogen:
Hey Pat Loving the music, listening the John Cale at the 40 Watt now. Thank you for all the energy you and your wife have put into preserving this. It is greatly appreciated. What a treat.
Cindy Vaughan Sinclair:
What an amazing site! And what memories..thank you for reminding me what a magical time this was in Athens. Thank you Pat and Jean!!
Keith Bennett:
Love it dude. Don't ever let the glow die.
Joey Huffman:
I will remember these shows until I die. Thanks for preserving them. It really means a lot. J~
Matt Scotti:
NOW I have what I need to show peoople what 80's music was reallly like! I have a friend in an 80's cover band. I have tried to tell him over and over that the junk on the radio then was NOT what 80's music was about. Now I have what I need to show him what it REALLY sounded like then. Love it! Reminds me of when I lived across the street and over some from the 40 watt on Clayton St. up until late summer of 82. I was living in the house on the corner of Clayton and Hull streets on the side facing the bus station. Sometimes I could hear the music in my living room! I felt like I was living in the center of the good part of the universe! Life was very good then.
Bill Rea:
What a terrific site, Pat! You've done a great job of preserving an important era in the musical history of Athens and Atlanta. Thanks for the many years of producing some astute and artistic "live" sound for many bands. A rare talent!
Michael Lachowski:
I listened to some Love Tractor and some Swimming Pool Q's today, and loved it. Thanks for the current efforts Pat, it's nice to have that piled on top of all your past work and contributions to the Athens music scene that we all still enjoy and love.
Mark E. P. Woods:
I started recording live music in Athens about the time you stopped doing so, by looking at your list. I focused on WSP and Col Bruce/ARU at first, then recorded when I mixed an interesting act until 2004 or so. We should compare notes some time!
Cheers, Mark.
Craig Williams:
And the memories come flooding back! Patton, I'm listening to Rumjungle now ("Cowsongs!") and soon will move on to Pylon, R.E.M., Flat Duo Jets, Little Tigers, and on and on. Then I'll start over again, I'm sure. Blessings to you and Jean; those were magical years in Athens and I thank you for sharing them with me again. What a wonderful gesture to, quite literally, keep the music alive.
Peter Fancher:
Thanks for the great site -went to see The Michael Guthrie band at the 33rd Human Rights festival Sunday it was real good--this Glen Phillips is great he is a crazy sounding guitarist
hey pat....thanks again...
Monty Greene:
Cheers Pat. Great job putting this together and forever appreciate all the help you gave us back in the day.
Brant Slay:
Pat you are magic. Take me back my friend. Thanks for being the keeper of the memories. best, b.slay
Chuck Owens:
Cool man. Good site.
Bryan Cook:
This an awesome site. It brings back great memories. Thanks Pat!
Matt Scotti:
Thanks Pat. This site is great! It brings back memories I did not remember I had.
Chuck Reece:
A thousand blessings to you for this site, Pat. I'll spend weeks here.
me, you, Paul, Bob, before, after, during so many great shows! Many happy memories of pat the whiz making it all sound good. thanks for keeping it alive here. A
Debbie (Atkinson) Montgomery:
Wow, Pat! Incredible sound quality and all these old shows all in one place. Thank you very much. I think you were one of the best sound men ever and I worked at the Agora Ballroom in Atlanta with the Wiz and at the Troubadour in LA. I know you were the best in Athens. Thanks for saving all this great music and thanks for all the great memories!
Paul Crockford:
Thanks Pat for sharing a part of my life that I probably would have forgotten. I think this is a really great offering your giving back to all of us that were a part of the begining of the Athens music scene. Also the music scene is still alive and growing in Athens. I hope that some of the newer bands will visit your sight and gain some insight from what all the wonderful musicians have given to this place. It's always a wonderful thing when a part of your past returns as this has. Your doing a fantastic project here and I hope that you will be able to keep it up. I know that it's a lot of work. Thanks again Pat.
Kemp Jones:
Pat, this is so great. First I hear MGB and then here I am listening to Glenn Phillips. How do I hear the archived music? Kemp
Ken Rogers:
High quality stuff, Pat! Much better than a lot of the tapes from that era.
Bekki Wagner:
Hey Pat very cool website!
Dereck Van Wickel:
An amazing historical collection of a special time and place. Future musicologists will use this site as a starting point into discovering what made Athens, GA the place to be in the 1980s.
Diana Torell:
I can't guess which of his dozen bands it was but that's the Athens heart throb - best dancing front man in town - Brian Cook. Can't wait to see another Time Toy show.
Bryan Lilj:
Yeah Pat! The soundman with the bestest ears!
Very nice!! But it would have been even better with a Feelies photo or flyer... :-))
Kenneth Aguar:
a true musical historian and Athens Icon...thanks for the memories Pat!
Very cool stuff. Thanks for posting on the Webb Wilder forum.
Kevin Burke:
Kudos to Pat for making this old Athenian feel a little closer to home all the way up in Ohio! Your work as an archivist of these great old days is much appreciated. KB (former drummer with the forgotten groups: RumJungle, the Drastics, Dark Harvest and the Red Scare).
You have some really great stuff. I'm glad to know there are some quality recordings preserving some of the great music of that era. Thanks so much!
Peter Chakales:
Pat, I appreciate you providing all this great music. The fact that you had the forsight to perserve those years is amazing. Thank you, Peter-XL's
Stephanie Gudeman:
Amazing recordings - fine quality. This is really the best collection of this music I have heard from this time period. Great job! Thank-you for all your hard work and preserving our history!
Gregg Crum:
I'm glad someone thought to record these great performances. I hope they end up in the Smithsonian!
Gary Hasty:
Thanks for sharing...I've been collecting some of the same type historical records for the 80's punk bands of Chattanooga over at http://chattapunk.com
Vanessa Hay:
Hey Pat I love your website! Jean is great to have it created for you. It is so wonderful that you are preserving all of this music for future generations. It was truly one of the special times in my life and I have many fond memories of going to see these bands as well as performing with one of them. I can still see the names you put on the monitors at the Clayton Street 40 Watt-Merimac and Monitor. The 40 watt even after all these years remains one of the best clubs in the country and you got to be a part of it's establishment as such. I also appreciate your support through some very rocky times in my life. You are a good person Pat the Wiz!
John Schilberg:
Love whatever is playin' right now! Is it "End of a perfect day"??? Man, oh man. I can't believe my sister married that guy on the home page with that devious smile. JEAN! Watch out for audio guys!
Russell Scott:
Hey Ya'll!!! Bookmarking your site now and looking forward to getting the time to explore it!
Tommy Jordan:
I wanna be with Cindy! I remember every note of that song! Amazing after not hearing it for so long. I can't wait to hear more of this great music. That period of Athens Music was so creative and energetic. And we were all friends. A true community. Thanks SO much for posting Men in Trees as the Band of the Week. We spent a lot of time together playing that music. The recording and picture were awesome and the page has been passed around all of my grad students. Apparently it has really increased my 'street cred' - so thanks for that! You're list of shows is pretty impressive. No Men in Trees/Turtle Bay show on the list? Did we lose all of those recordings along with our PA in the Tyrone's fire? That fire sucked in so many ways. -Tommy Jordan
Anthony Walp:
Pat - you taught me everything important about playing in a band and playing in a bar. I owe you so much that I can never repay. Thanks!
Cliff Owens:
Hope all is fine with you! Like your website pat the wiz!
Jess Cobb:
Visiting for the first time. Love music. Hope to find my style.
Erik Lindgren:
What a service you have done for all the bands who were part of the 40 Watt legacy. As an artist it's not just important to forge ahead with new music and fresh ideas, but also to acknowledge the past and put it in perspective. Thankfully you have kept our music alive and accessible for all to check out. Keep rockin' Pat and we bow down to your marvelous efforts in keeping the music alive! Erik Lindgren/Birdsongs of the Mesozoic
Darrin Gray:
This site is frickin' great! Thanks for keeping the rock alive!! Gonna tell all my friends...
Alison DeForest Wise:
Love your archives! So many great bands. I love the 80s music scene. Thanks for sharing!
Diane Sanders:
Thanks, so cool!
Keith Landers:
Pat thankyou very much for teaching me so much...about tone..I still get compliments about my guitar tone...thanks to you I know how to dial it right in...
Michele Minchew:
Pat, thanks again for the wonderful collection of music you sent me a while back, damn near the entire soundtrack of my misbegotten youth and something very, very cool and special that I can share with people (including my teenage children) that I feel the need to impress. Love the website, and so lucky for us that YOU WERE THERE and you held on to all of this music. Really and truly a snapshot (or audio shot rather) in time. Much love to you and the family.
Jennifer Griffith:
Thank you so much, Pat, for the mess o' Athens music you put together and sent to me a while back! And thank you, Jean, for a lovely website and for making the Wiz so happy!
Kelly Crow:
Hey Pat - thanks for sending me the awesome cd a few years ago of Limbo District at the 40 Watt. It brought back a lot of memories. Also, thanks for being so prescient to have kept all these tapes for so long. When there is an Athens GA music hall of fame, you deserve to be in it. Love, Kelly
Maureen McLaughlin:
This is the best present EVAR! You two just keep topping each other in kindness and inspiration. It means alot to me to be your friend. Thank you for sharing. Maureen
Billy and Pam Holmes:
KEWL ! thanks for doing this !
Mike Huff Jr.:
I love listening to the great music that Pat so lovingly restored , recorded and most importantly shared to all that cared to own a piece of Athens history. Go bless Mr. & Mrs. Biddle!
Jared Bailey:
Thanks for everything you did back in the old days and now! Take care of yourself.
David Judd:
Pat... Thanks for being the Chronicler of some of the the funniest times I think I experienced (some I even remember). Thanks for sharing - amazing stuff.
William Mull:
Much Love to you, Pat! And to your wife Jean, who gave you this testament to, and showcase for, an important aspect of your life (which is a huge understatement!). My heartfelt *thank you* for your generous and loyal friendship. I can't thank you enough for caring as much about the music as we who were fortunate enough to have created it. We owe you a great deal of credit for your impeccable ear and thorough attention to detail. I'm glad to call you my friend. With your help, our music lives on forever! Best always, William Mull
Russ Bell:
Wiz, Wiz, Wiz - What else really needs to be said. I agree with the sentiment that you have chronicled that which was a truly unique era in American music. Although I was/we were a bit younger than most of the acts that rolled through in the early 80s, I still feel that I was a part of something really special. And those trips to NYC and CBGBs were just a riot. Thanks, take care, and I'll be hitting you up for some auditory nuggets!
Jeff DeBacker:
Pat Been years! You always brought the best out in the bands! Hope to come down to Athens and meet up again......
Diana Crowe said:
So glad to have seen you and reconnect!
Murray Attaway:
The Wiz forever!
Dash Rip Rock:
This site is awesome! We're still diggin on the supercool 40 watt Dash CD. Keep on mixing great jams!
Diana Torell:
Hi, Thanks for all the good times and good sound. love love.
Tina Chesnutt:
Pat, Thanks for your kindness, and for making me aware of this site. I would love to hear so much of this -Tyronne's, Stichcraft, and all those years at the 40Watt. Have I really been going to hear music in Athens for 30 years? Thanks for your contribution to something that gave great joy to so many through good and bad times. And thanks to Miz Wiz. She obviously rocks too. The best to you both, Tina
Phyllis Walls:
Hey, Pat! Thanks for all the great years and great sounds! Nobody could make the old Watt sound like you did!!! xo Phyllis
Dennis Drew:
Pat, thanks for being you. I'll never forget those days in Athens, all the great people that help us and the 40Watt. I love this site and the archives. great version of "Death of Manolete" Hope to see you this year.
Sunny Shropshire Marceau:
Band of the week comment...we were there the 1st time the 10,000 came to town in their van-sized schoolbus w/the "pontoons" on the roof. Have no idea how they got all of their gear and themselves in there and didn't go stir-crazy...(that tour started in NY)...they came over to the house, and John Lombardo played "Music from Big Pink" and we all crammed into the back room @ the Print Shop...I think Natalie ended up going off somewhere else w/ maybe Rob, b/c my memory of her being there isn't as clear...I remember Rob Buck always wore that business suit and carried a briefcase...yup..band of the week is definitely 10,0000 Maniacs.. :) Thanks so much, Pat, for all your diligence and care in preserving all these musical treasures (and therefore memories!) for us! Thanks, Jean, for such an awesome and thoughtful anniversary gift to Pat...Athens in my youth was such a positive and pivotal time in my life..great to remember that!
Wes Delk:
you know, it blows my mind, that all those years, we didn't really know each other. guess we were busy working, at the same times. anyway, i'm honored to call you friend. W
Glenn Phillips:
Pat, there's no way to adequately thank you for all you've done for music in Athens over the years. You're the living, breathing embodiment of everything that's made that city's music so important, not to mention that you're a prince among men.
Joel Suttles:
Hey Pat: what an awesome find! I'm sure you have tons of gems in your collection and can't wait to hear them! Cheers, Joel
Harry Joiner:
dude: your site ROCKS. love the "band of the week" feature. I will keep checking back to check it out. your pal, Harry PS - love tractor sounded awesome on "fun to be happy." do i win anything for knowing that tune? PPS - the drummer sounded like andrew, not kit. NOW do i win something?? keep rocking it.
Danna Pentes:
thanks for recording all of these bands and making them available. awesome!!!
Don (Li'l CC) Cliffy Clyde DayOldJellyRoll Hill:
OK, ok, I finally got in the 'Book.' I stopped by Wuxtry today and dropped a couple of 'duplicates' to the guy on duty. He was most definitely appreciative. He says he'll play it on their system for the customers. Just gettin' the word out, my man. Tell the girls to be patient. I'm feelin' 2011 for the DOJR launch. Give my best to your much better half. Love you guys!
Hope Nicholls:
WoW! This is an awesome trove of music and history. I am glad we can be part of it. Thank you, Pat!!! Xo
VanBuren Fowler:
I cannot believe how many bands you have recorded. I want them all! Everything I had from REM and Drivin n Cryin was stolen from my storage in ATL. The stuff you have is a priceless part of my life that I never thought I would hear again. Thank God!
Don McKeithan:
Hello Mr. Pat!
Debbie McSpadden:
Congratulations on being asked to donate your audio tapes to the UGA library. That is quite an honor!
Bill Sheffield:
Man. Thanks for the tears.
Terry Allen:
Pat......A Wizard, A True Star. This thing is mindblowing. I'm still in shock that these tapes exist! What a treasure. Thank you so much for doing this and thank you Mrs. Wiz as well.
David Hollomon:
Pat, It was great to meet you the other day at the Post Office. Love what you have done!
Mark Cooper Smith:
I knew you were degaussing those tape decks for a reason all those years ago...
Brian Crane:
Hey Pat, just got the disks in the mail. If you get a chance, I would love to get a copy of the New Invincibles shows from you as well. I can't believe you have those. thanks, brian
Daniel Peiken:
Pat, you deserve all the love folks have been sending you over the last few years. I've known you for most of my Athens life and I've always known you are a great man. Now with this new fangled internet and Facebook thing you (and I) are seeing how well liked you are. Thanks for sharing the music with me, I'm trying not to get jealous that you are sharing it with the entire world now. I've got every single CD you have ever given to me and believe it or not I have room for more!! Daniel www.AthensRockShow.com
Barbara May:
Patton, your folks would be so proud of you! You are definitely "the wiz" and have built a tribute to music and a legacy! Keep up the magic....
Jason Netzer:
Great work!!!! Looking forward to another Bar-B-Q with you and your lovely wife, kids and music.
Karin Pittman:
Pat- This is great! I'll be sure to pass this find along:) I'll keep checking in! Jean- You did a fabulous job.....such a thoughtful gift:)
Tom Cheek:
This is great Pat. F-ing Great!
Patton, This is an awesome site. I still have the LT CDs you made for me in my car (don't tell anybody, too uncool). Very few things in my life have been as satisfying as what we accomplished in those days (that includes raising three future serial killers). Thanks for the clip from the new old Watt, sounds killer! Andrew
Kirsteen De Vorsey:
These recordings are the soundtrack of my youth. Those beautiful hot nights. Dancing our hearts out in the tiny 40 Watt when it was on Clayton. Sweating so much that the PBR evaporated from our skin. Laughing and walking home down the quiet, abandoned streets of Athens. I still smell the honey suckle and Tea Olives. Your footprints are stamped all over the musical history of the Athens scene.
Ken Starratt:
I love the music you used for this site, especially "The Turning Away" by Pink Floyd. A poignant reminder. It's easy to get caught up in life's travails and forget how important everyone is who touches our lives. Good show man.
Beth McLeod:
Your expertise is highly prized. Thanks for all the great music you were such an integral part of during the incredible, prodigiously musical time I was privileged to be witness to.
Stephanie Gudeman:
What a wonderful collection of music! I am amazed at the quality of it! VERY impressive. What a wonderful wife to do something for you that was FOR YOU for your birthday. You are blessed to have each other!
Barry Marler:
Many great times at 3 different 40 Watts, with the Wiz at the desk. A great sound engineer, and a good friend. Thanks, Pat!
Kirsteen De Vorsey:
Pat, This site you have created has brought me such comfort. I am living in Melbourn, AU, far from my old home town. I may as well be on Mars. There are moments when the separation is palpable. Thank you. Love and Happiness, Kirsteen
Bob Hay:
These days everything gets recorded, but back in the 80s Pat was one of the few capturing the magic of Athens music. Your collection of recordings is truly a national treasure.
David Pierce:
Pat, You are a true visionary for preserving these recordings! In the future you will be world-famous for your efforts! We love you Wiz! -David Pierce
Sam McNair:
Awesome site, Pat! Hats off to Mrs. the Wiz!!! And thanks for literally keeping the music alive - you're like the Athens Smithsonian. sam
Rodney Meeks:
Patton, Great music you gave us. We listened and enjoyed all the way home. I love the WEB site. I think you married a talented woman.
Dan Matthews:
To the man who shaped the sound of Athens: thank you for everything and every band you mixed. You made some groups sound great, and a town listen better.
Herb Guthrie:
The performances you captured of MGB at the 40 watt Club-- back in the Athens glory days-- were some of the best ever. It really made my day to hear that stuff. The sound of it was just the greatest, too. Thanks, Pat for always being there.
Bill Hancock:
Pat, Thanks for the memories. What a great time and place in my life.
Spencer Frye:
This is a tremendous asset to our community! These shows would have been lost were it not for your efforts and quality work. Seeing that list brought back a lot of memories of simpler times and some old friends. Thank you Pat!
Greg Reece:
This is the hell-a collection of of the Athens music that put Athens music on the map. Pat, you sneaky 'ol bugger, for all you said you didn't like to run board tapes you ran some great ones!
Wendy Breedlove:
Once the photographs have faded away, the music remains. Thanks for the music.
Kerrie Ann May:
wow,i loved listening to the music....i will keep listening
Jane McCown:
Pat, I taught with Lori. This is an awesome website! Will be recommending it to others on FB. Great job,Jean!
Lori Biddle:
Congrats on the launch of your site! Jean did a fantastic job. Thanks for taking me back to my youth, much of it spent hanging out in the sound booth or dancing my ass off to Athens' finest. Truly a magical time!
Cindy Lane:
My what a wonderful wizards you and Mrs. Wiz are to create this archive of those magic nights of music. Much love and thanks to you both for this act of Love. Oh and might I add a BRAVISSIOMO whoooo whooo extra BRAVO to all the players mixed by Pat who never failed to make every cotton pickin one I ever heard sound superb. Not an easy feat Watt Wizard, so thank you for that Pat!!!
Jeff Walls:
Thanks for the soundchecks, the monitors, the best sound in town, the unmentionables, and now the memories. If I'd known that someone was going to be preserving what we did for posterity, I might have done a few things differently... but probably not. You are always and forevermore The Wiz!
Peter Fancher:
The education of musicians continues at each gig with a healthy application of tough love"getchya sum"
Danny "The Door" Fullerton:
Regarding your acknowledgement page...... My life has been marked like the pages of a senior yearbook, not only from the experiences attributed to the nightly 8:30 to 3 a.m. during those beautiful, creative and, at times, dangerously foolish years, but from the associations formed and friendships that were left unattended for 20 or more years which now seem to pick right back up where they left off. It has been a priviledge working with you and with Lori, but it is a pleasure knowing you both as friends. You once saved me from the "JAWS" with a simple phone call. I have never, ever forgotten and you have always been in my thoughts. .....you know...for one man, I believe when they were handing out qualities of character you ended up with a double portion of genuineness. All I can say is..... "That's illegal Catfish!" Thanks, Danny Keep on truckin' - Crumb
Trent Allen:
Pat, Mucho thanks for the work. As it turns out this cache of recordings is truly a great historical treasure from the early days. So wonderful that it has been preserved. Send a copy to the Rock Hall in Cleveland! As I have said before, I first thought that maybe it would be better to just remember what I THOUGHT it sounded like, not what it really sounded like, but as it turns out, it sounds GREAT! Thanks again for such a good job.
Ann Layton:
Hey, I just want to thank you for the CD. I still need to listen to it, but I promise that I will in the next few days. I will also let Linda and Mike listen to it. Thanks again to the both of you for thinking of me. Love ya both.
Dana Downs:
Pat, you RULE!! I love all of my CD's, and it is so awesome that you are doing this for us old folks! You were always my favorite sound man, and I am so happy that you and Jean are together! Two beautiful people who deserve all the happiness in the world! love love love!
Jack Harrison:
Thanks for being such a great sound guy, and more so, for being such a nice normal person in a world where the nice and normal are an endangered species.
Kathleen O'Brien Layson:
More than generous, extremely thoughtful, fantastic memories, fun to share, and very gracious. Thanks for sharing the music of the early days, thanks for making the effort! And thanks for one of the only and best 50th birthday presents I got!! You rock! KO
Robby McMahan:
Now, I can catch all the shows I missed while i was playing! Nice Job on LTigers!
Love it, love it!!
Hey Wiz, last time I visited this website I couldn't see all of the songs you archived, glad to see they are all there now........
Ethel Nelson:
Love the website Patton....love the music......sure do miss Mrs Wiz tho...you tell her we miss her back here in Mississippi.....love ya, Ethel....